‘Renters Deserve Better’ gallery opens in Westminster

Published: by Bronya Smolen

A group of people wearing black hoodies with the Shelter logo on, standing beside placards reading 'Renters deserve better' and 'We need the Renters' Reform Bill'.

Four years on from the promise of a Renters’ Reform Bill, we’re still waiting. Until it is delivered, the government is failing renters. The sector is broken.

We co-created this art with renters around England, to show the government why we deserve better than this broken, unfair system.

We delivered it to The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities by setting up a gallery outside their office, as a reminder of why we need change.

This is the unacceptable reality of renting through the stories, words, and photos of renters. This is an expression of protest. The system can’t stay like this.

Roll over each icon on the collage below, and delve deeper into renters’ stories, why we face these problems, and how the government can solve them.

[View the accessible version of this interactive content](https://www.thinglink.com/view/scene/1694747097909166884/accessibility)

Want to take action?

Tell your MP to turn up for the next Renters Reform Bill debate in parliament.