Let’s hear it for our volunteers
Published: by Grusche Michelsen

National Volunteers’ Week 2019 is coming to an end and here at Shelter, it’s been all about celebrating the contribution of everyone who gives up their time to support what we do.
From the volunteers who bring in vital funds through their tireless work at our charity shops to those who support and mentor service users in our hubs; from those who make up the cheers squads at Shelter events to those who impact the communities we work with by providing vital support in our HR, campaigns and research teams – you are such an important part of the Shelter team. Everything you do helps us defend people’s right to a safe home.
We love hearing about your experiences as volunteers and have been sharing your personal stories all week across the intranet, Twitter and Facebook. You’ll also find messages of thanks from staff and senior management, who have so much respect for what you do, there too! It’s all about highlighting the huge impact you have, your incredible individual stories and the motivation and passion they bring to Shelter as a whole.
During the week, different teams, hubs and shops have also been celebrating the contribution of their local volunteers in person. We’ve heard tales of special coffee mornings, lunches and plenty of cake! We’ve been sending out thank you cards and staff have been showing their appreciation with personal messages written on the Volunteers’ Week decorations sent out to local hubs and shops.
It’s been such a great week celebrating all the fantastic things you do – here’s a few more thank yous from the Shelter staff who lead our volunteering teams:
_‘_A huge and heartfelt thank you to all those that volunteer at Shelter. You not only provide support to our clients, but also to the staff, which is invaluable in ensuring we are able to help as many people as possible’ – Team Lead, Hackney Services
‘The assistance from volunteers is at the core of Shelter’s ethics and we all appreciate every single minute you give to helping the organisation achieve its mission to improve housing for all’ – Service Administrator, ASG
‘Without you, Shelter retail would not exist. You’re the heart of our body. Thank you, my gratitude can’t be put into words’ – Community Shop Manager, Ilkley
If you’re a volunteer or a staff member working on our volunteering – thank you so much for all that you do. We really couldn’t do it without you!
Interested in joining our fantastic team of volunteers? Find out how here.