Shelter blog archive
A collection of content discussing housing policy, campiagns, research and activities between May 2012 and May 2024.
For the latest updates and insights, please visit the Shelter website.
New Civic Housebuilding: How to build homes and influence people
Mortgaged ownership slides further as generation rent grows up
New Civic Housebuilding: A better way to build the homes we need
Can Haringey’s housing development vehicle provide a case study in joint ventures?
Insecure private renting leaves families worried and unsettled. Let’s fix it
Is Right to Rent causing discrimination? The government ought to do some investigating
White Paper signals a genuine shift towards greater land data transparency
The White Paper: a step, rather than a leap, in the right direction
Growing support for housebuilding opens the door for the government to take real action
Static models cannot explain the failings of a dynamic housing market
Shifting attitudes to welfare: why knowing your audience is key to any campaign strategy
Weakening space standards won’t make homes cheaper – just smaller